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Surrounding Districts Welcome Guest Speaker, Motivational Speaker, Deadra Stanton!

February 13, 2025


Today, CWHS hosted surrounding school districts, MMCRU, SOS and HMS to a shared professional development day with guest speaker, Deadra Stanton. Deadra is known as one of the top humorists and motivational speakers in the Midwest. She is an award-winning speaker who spent 43 years in the classroom. Deadra shared her comedic story-telling and heart-tugging stories about life and teaching and how important teachers are in shaping our young peoples’ lives.

She shared her humorous stories about everyday life, “chasing skinny rabbits” and how we need to find joy in our lives, while remembering to slow down and take care of ourselves. She also reminds us that before we can grow professionally, we need to learn to survive personally.  

Thank you, Deadra, for sharing your humor and wisdom with us and thank you for your many years of teaching and making a difference.

Cherokee Elementary School

206 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6760
FX: 712-225-4202

Cherokee Middle School

208 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6750
FX: 712-225-4841

Cherokee Washington High School

600 W. Bluff Street
PH: 712-225-6755
FX: 712-225-6757