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Cherokee Community Schools

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Special Olympics Basketball Team Dominates in Harlan!

Feb 19, 2025

On February 1st, our Special Olympics basketball team, consisting of Caitlyn Younie, Kendra Robinson and Charlie Harmon, traveled to Harlan High School to compete in a 3 on 3 tournament. They played aggressively and worked together to beat some tough competition. They played two area teams who both had some height that we were not used to. Our athletes hustled to rebound and put a stop to the competition. They won against both teams, winning their division and moving on to the state competition in March. #bravepride

Surrounding Districts Welcome Guest Speaker, Motivational Speaker, Deadra Stanton!

Feb 13, 2025

  Today, CWHS hosted surrounding school districts, MMCRU, SOS and HMS to a shared professional development day with guest speaker, Deadra Stanton. Deadra is known as one of the top humorists and motivational speakers in the Midwest. She is an award-winning speaker who spent 43 years in the classroom. Deadra shared her comedic story-telling and heart-tugging stories about life and teaching and how important teachers are in shaping our young peoples’ lives. She shared her humorous stories about everyday . . .

February Rotary Student of the Month

Feb 5, 2025

Congratulations to Elise Anderson, for being selected as the February Rotary Student of the Month! Elise keeps herself busy with Volleyball, Tennis and Large Group Speech. She is in NHS, student council, Spanish club, and FCA. Her teachers commented that Elise is a hard worker and very loyal. She challenges herself and is a team player. She is kind, a person of integrity, responsible and humble. Elise is a good role model and positive leader. Congratulations, Elise!

February Reader of the Month

Feb 3, 2025

The February Reader of the month is Samuel Walker.  His favorite books include the Eragon series, Spy School series and Panda-monium.   Mrs. Cook nominated Samuel for his consistent enthusiasm for reading and his remarkable engagement in every book he explores. He not only completes his reading assignments with dedication, but also goes above and beyond by sharing insightful perspectives and encouraging discussions among his peers. Samuel has developed a deep understanding of the texts, often . . .

February Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month

Jan 31, 2025

The February Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month is Noah Anderson. Noah is the son of Luke and Hillary Anderson. He is active in band, track, football, basketball, and baseball. Staff at CMS appreciate him for his outgoing and positive attitude. He works hard in school and is kind. Looking forward to highschool, he is interested in athletics and JETS. After graduation, he is interested in a career as a lawyer or an aerospace engineer. 

January Healthy Hero

Jan 26, 2025

This month’s Healthy Hero Award winner is Evelyn George. Evelyn was involved in volleyball in the fall and is currently participating in basketball. She is also a member of the band. The 7th grade classroom teachers say she works hard, participates well in class and is willing to work with anyone during class time. In PE she is competitive but still has great sportsmanship. She is willing to try new activities and help others with skills or questions regarding the games.

Jill Phillips

May 8, 2024

Jill really enjoys seeing what fun and creative educational activities are going on in the classroom, and the connection she has with fellow teachers and students. If she could give advice to others, it would be to not be shy about promoting what you are doing in the classroom, no matter how trivial you think it is because everyone has something they can contribute.

Katie Leonard

May 8, 2024

I love my role as a Communications Teacher because I love being able to see and share all of the amazing things happening in our district!  Words of advice to teachers or students: “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – Dalai Lama  

Mandi Koedam

May 8, 2024

I am a curriculum leader and I help with professional development in our elementary school. My advice would be to always be willing to try something new because you may end up loving it! 

Government Students Take Field Trip to Courthouse and Law Enforcement Center

May 7, 2024

The Government Students went on a field trip last week and visited the Cherokee County Courthouse and the Law Enforcement Center. They got to hear from all the different departments at the courthouse about how our local government functions, and what their role as young adults is. They also got to learn about the voting process, get registered to vote if they weren’t already, and even practice voting on the voting machines! They also were able to tour the Law Enforcement Center, and learn what they do down there. They were shown . . .

CES March PBIS Assembly

Apr 15, 2024

The March PBIS Assembly welcomed Bruce Dagel as our speaker. Bruce is such a positive  member of our community! The topic for the assembly was Cooperation and Teamwork! Bruce’s message to students was that “TEAM” stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More”.  

April Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month

Apr 10, 2024

Congratulations to Mason Daum for being chosen as the April Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month. Mason is the son of Lacey and Jeffrey Daum. Although he has many wonderful qualities, the most prominent are his work ethic, attention to detail, and absolute kindness to all around him.  Mason is an active 8th grader and is involved in band, choir, cross country, track, and basketball. He says his favorite thing about living in Cherokee is that when he moved here, he was greeted by the community with open . . .

Students in Mrs. Anderson's Class Use High Tech Software

Mar 24, 2024

Students in Mrs. Anderson's Dual Credit Human Anatomy and Physiology class used spirometers and Vernier software to measure pulmonary volumes and how different variables affect those volumes. Some measurements taken included tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, respiratory rate, and vital capacity. These measurements were taken under normal resting conditions and then again to test variables such as laughing, standing, lying down, running in place, coughing, and concentrating on a math problem. The . . .

Taste and Sounds

Mar 20, 2024

Taste and Sounds happening tomorrow night from 6:30-8:30.  Live music and locals eats!  There will be some amazing students performing solos and group songs.

PBIS Assembly

Mar 19, 2024

  CES would like to thank Sheriff Derek Scott for taking time out of his busy schedule to be  the guest speaker at the CES assembly on Honesty for the month of February. 

March Student of the Month

Mar 12, 2024

Congratulations to Taelyn Reuter for being chosen as the March Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month! Taelyn is in 8th grade and the daughter of  Chris and Kayla Reuter. She is involved in volleyball, track, softball, and basketball as the manager. She is also involved with the youth group at Trinity Lutheran Church.   Taelyn's teachers appreciate her willingness to . . .

Special Olympics Track Team Travels to Coralville

Mar 12, 2024

On Saturday our Special Olympics team traveled to Coralville to compete at the state competition for basketball skills. Two high school athletes placed 1st at the area competition in February that advanced them to the state level. While at state Kendra Robinson and Luisa Erickson competed in their own division based on ability and age, both battled tough competition. Kendra tied for 1st place and Luisa placed 3rd. Congrats to both on their accomplishment.

Spanish Honor Society 2024

Mar 11, 2024

CWHS Spanish Honor Society inducted 18 new members on Monday night. To be inducted, students must be enrolled in Spanish, have maintained an honor average in Spanish for at least 3 consecutive semesters and show good character, leadership, cooperation, honesty, service, commitment to others and be motivated to continue studying Spanish. ¡Felicidades a todos!

Autism Awareness Shirts for Special Olympics

Mar 7, 2024

  If you would like to purchase an Autism Awareness shirt. Use the link or scan the QR code. The proceeds go towards our Special Olympics program.       Any questions email  afuller@ccsd.k12.ia.us

March Rotary Student of the Month

Mar 7, 2024

Whitney Johnson is the March Rotary Student of the Month. Whitney goes above and beyond to show her school spirit and is kind and friendly to everyone.  She is outgoing and takes time to make sure everyone feels at ease, comfortable and supported in her presence.  Whitney exudes Brave Pride! Congratulations, Whitney!

CES January PBIS Assembly

Feb 9, 2024

  The Cherokee Elementary School PBIS assembly for the month of January was about Perseverance and Persistence! Jodi Schlichting and Kayla Kock from CRMC hosted our assembly with great examples of ways students can show persistence when things get tough in the classroom and in life! NEVER GIVE UP!!

2024 Northern Festival of Bands

Jan 29, 2024

Congratulations to Ethan Busse, Madison Jorgensen and Parissa Barnes on their outstanding performance at the 2024 Northern Festival of Bands in Cedar Fall this past weekend.  Ethan and Madison were a part of the 120 member Symphony Band under the direction of Laura A. Goucher, high school director from Mahtomedi, MN. Parissa played with a 79 member Wind Orchestra under the direction of Ferenc Szabo from Szechenyi Istvan University in Gyor, Hungary.  

Special Olympics basketball skills team

Jan 29, 2024

The Special Olympics basketball skills team traveled to Hawarden on Jan. 27th for the area competition. During basketball skills, the athletes compete against others in their same age and ability groups to showcase their skills. They have to complete 3 skill areas for a combined score, including spot shot, dribbling, and passing. Cherokee athletes competed hard and put forth a tremendous effort. The following athletes took home medals : Luisa Erickson- 1st place, Kendra Robinson- 1st place, Tyler Palmer- 2nd place, Catelyn Younie- 2nd . . .

January Healthy Hero

Jan 1, 2024

This month’s Healthy Hero Award winner is Owen Schwarz. Owen is involved in football, basketball, and baseball. Owen displays great sportsmanship in PE class and is involved in every game that we are playing. He is a leader in his other classes and does his best no matter what he is doing. Owen is kind and polite to both the staff and his fellow students.

CCSD Therapy Dogs

Mar 24, 2023

The Cherokee Community Schools are lucky to have two amazing therapy dogs in their district! Fletcher serves the elementary students, and is a pro at regulating students who are struggling so that they can be successful at school His handler is Amy Brunsting, the CES school counselor. Jersey serves the middle school students. She is available to students for hugs, cuddles, and petting, assisting with students who need cheering up, calming down, or regulating at school. Her handler is Kayla Reuter, the . . .

CES Healthy Hero

Mar 16, 2023

Alexa Royster is the CES Healthy Hero for the month of March. Alexa is willing to try any activity and tries her best in all that we do in PE class. Alexa is very quiet and always on task. Alexa is always kind and willing to work in any group combinations. She requires no attention to stay on task and do what is right in class. Outside of school Alexa is involved in Volleyball and Softball.

Students Travel to NASA

Mar 8, 2023

On March 1st, five students from WHS boarded a charter bus to head to Houston, TX and compete in a Space Settlement Design Competition at NASA.  Seniors Nick Alingh, Xzavier Hyndman, Hannah Pigott, BreAnna Miller, and Kayla Hughes were accompanied by WHS Physics Teacher Mr. De Vos.  They were able to visit Galveston, walk the beach along the Gulf of Mexico, and tour Rocket Park all while down in Houston along with participating in the competition.  They all worked diligently with their respective groups to come up with a . . .

Cherokee Elementary School

206 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6760
FX: 712-225-4202

Cherokee Middle School

208 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6750
FX: 712-225-4841

Cherokee Washington High School

600 W. Bluff Street
PH: 712-225-6755
FX: 712-225-6757